author: Masahiko Matsumoto
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.21
book published:
rating: 4
read at: 2017/03/14
date added: 2017/03/14
shelves: graphic-novels
'Cigarette Girl' by Masahiko Matsumoto is a reprint collection of manga from the 1970s. These stories come from the alternative comics movement known as "gekiga."
There are 11 stories collected here and they are about normal people and lives that don't feel fulfilled. One story follows an older lady as she tries to make her way as a condom salesperson. She ends up not being very good at sales, but pretty good at getting entangled in people's lives. In another story, a man buys cigarettes, not because he smokes, but because he secretly likes the woman who sells them.
Alternative and mature should be described more as indie film. The stories tell quiet stories of people interacting in each others lives and the solitude and isolation that can be felt even in a crowd of people. This volume also includes some essays about the artist and the work. It's an interesting reprint and I'm glad I got a chance to read it.
I received a review copy of this manga from Top Shelf Productions, Diamond Book Distributors, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this manga.
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