author: Anne Corrigan
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.62
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rating: 4
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date added: 2017/02/10
'Labyrinth: One classic film, fifty-five sonnets' by Anne Corrigan was something I almost passed on. The idea has cheesiness all over it, but it is actually quite good and seemingly a true labor of love.
The film and dedication are told in 55 sonnets. I'm no expert on sonnets, so I don't know if these held true to a form of juxtaposing, but the basic form, rhyme and meter felt right.
I wish more of the story of how this came to be were in a preface to this book. The author is a huge fan of the film and felt like the adaptation novel lacked the more poetic feel of the movie. It was written for the film's thirtieth anniversary, but also became a tribute to David Bowie. There are references to Bowie songs woven in and the book is dedicated to him.
If you have a Labyrinth fan in your life, this was a loving tribute and I thought it was executed very well. Bravo!
I received a review copy of this ebook from Troubador Publishing, Matador, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.
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