author: Antoine Ozanam
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.10
book published: 2011
rating: 2
read at: 2017/02/04
date added: 2017/02/04
shelves: graphic-novels
'Klaw: The First Cycle' by Antoine Ozanam with art by Joël Jurion and translation by Mike Kennedy is about people who are linked to symbols of the Chinese zodiac, which seems to be a popular story idea these days.
Angel Tomassini seems like a normal kid and when we meet him, he's being beat up by bullies. When he suddenly transforms into a tiger and gets away, things get weird. Angel is not an ordinary kid, though. He has a chauffeur/bodyguard pick him up from school and his father's fish business may not be what it seems on the surface. Especially because all of his uncles don't look much like him or his father. He's got a best friend and a crush on a girl.
When the boyfriend of his crush dies as the result of what seems to be injuries caused by a tiger, Angel thinks it might have been himself. This leads him into a strange secret world where were-beasts of the Chinese zodiac can manifest in pairs of humans, but not at the same time.
There are three parts included in this volume and the first two were pretty good, but the third one went a little over the top and kind of lost me. There are a lot of story elements, and some just don't work because they are very stereotypical or too contrived. The art by Joël Jurion is why you should read this. It's very good, and he's got this interesting style that exaggerates the perspective of his figures. I liked the art better than the story when it was all done.
I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Magnetic Press, Diamond Book Distributors, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.
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