author: Fred Van Lente
name: Wayne
average rating: 0.0
book published:
rating: 4
read at: 2017/02/18
date added: 2017/02/18
shelves: graphic-novels
'Generation Zero Vol. 1'by Fred Van Lente with art by Francis Portela was a good start to a series, but I feel like there is something that happened before this issue that I wasn't aware of.
Keisha Sherman lives in the town of Rook, which seems just a little too perfect, with her law enforcement father. When her boyfriend dies in a really suspicious car crash, she starts to learn that her town may be hiding some really strange secrets. The only people she can turn to are a strange group of heroes called Generation Zero. They are a strange group of kids with odd powers, and they start looking in to what is happening. She finds out that someone else seemed to have a crush on her boyfriend, and this turns into a strange trip into that person's psyche.
It feels familiar and yet a little different. The Generation Zero team seems a bit menacing and dangerous, but not to Keisha. I like that edge. I also liked the strange trip into Adele's mind and how it looked like an Archie comic. The art is really good in this book, and I like this start. My review copy didn't have all 5 issues that are in this volume, but I had enough to see that this wasn't too bad.
I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Valiant Entertainment, Diamond Book Distributors, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.
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