author: Paul Cornell
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.99
book published: 2016
rating: 5
read at: 2017/01/27
date added: 2017/01/27
'The Lost Child of Lychford' by Paul Cornell is a is the second book in the Lychford series. It's also a ghost story that takes place at Christmas, so it's in good company with a lot of other Christmas ghost stories.
The English village of Lychford seems like a nice little town, but lurking on the edges things are not so nice. Protecting the village are three unlikely women: Judith, the village kook, Autumn, the owner of a witchcraft store, and Lizzie, the Reverend of St. Martin's.
Lizzie is getting ready for Christmas, with the sappy music and cynical occasional churchgoers souring her mood. She sees a young boy in the church by himself, and he appears to be a ghost. Add to that the very strange couple getting married on Christmas Eve with their very odd ceremony, and things aren't what they seem. The three women band together, but are separated and attacked. Can they band together and figure out who this ghostly young boy is?
I haven't read the first book in the series, but I felt able to follow along just fine. I really liked the main characters of this book, and I loved the Christmas setting, although that does fade as the story gets going. There is some decent humor along the way. It's got a cozy mystery feel, but don't let that fool you. There is a coldness at the core of this one. I really liked this book, and Paul Cornell is a very good writer.
I received a review copy of this ebook from Macmillan-Tor/Forge and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.
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