author: Dean R. Koontz
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.39
book published:
rating: 3
read at: 2017/01/29
date added: 2017/01/29
shelves: graphic-novels
'Dean Koontz's Frankenstein: Storm Surge' by Chuck Dixon and Rik Hoskin from an original story by Dean Koontz, and art by Andres Ponce is a standalone story set in a world of books I haven't read. I was able to figure things out as I went.
Victor Frankenstein is known as Victor Helios in this series. He has also made a series of women. The latest one, Erika Five, decides to explore Victor's secret lab. She finds a talking head named Karloff (nice touch), and a lot more. She finds a portal to another world where Victor is conducting his experiments on the undead. This world is the city of New Orleans at the height of an oncoming flood, not unlike Hurricane Katrina it would seem. As the city becomes choked with the undead, Erika is trying to find Victor to stop him. She finds an ally in another creature that Victor created who now goes by the name of Deucalion. Can they stop Victor? Can they save this strange convoluted story?
The art is good. The story is kind of messy. There are a lot of plot elements that are just to be taken at face value. A talking, disembodied head. Portals to the future. Victor seemingly able to survive in a horde of zombies, even after getting dealt some fatal wounds. I can take a little of this, but it feels like it piled up to a point where my disbelief snapped. I like monster stories, and especially the Frankenstein story, but I was a little disappointed in this.
I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Dynamite Entertainment, Diamond Book Distributors, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.
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