author: Robert Eastaway
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.55
book published: 1999
rating: 4
read at: 2014/07/17
date added: 2016/12/16
shelves: non-fiction
'Why Do Buses Come in Threes?' shows how common questions can be solved with mathematics. That it does it in a very accessible and fun way is where it succeeds.
Taking questions like the book title's or others like why it's so hard to find a four-leaf clover, the book delves into all sorts of things. From fibonacci numbers to code making, a lot of ground is covered. The chapters are short and digestible. There are mathematic formulas and illustrations. It's all engaging and shows how math can help with all sorts of things in everyday life whether we realize it or not. The book finishes with a series of magic tricks you can learn that are all based on math tricks.
Rob Eastaway and Jeremy Wyndham have done a great job with this book. There is also a forward by Tim Rice, in which he shows the connection between pop charts and musical composition and math. A fun tour of an otherwise difficult subject.
I was given a review copy of this ebook by Pavilion Books and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.
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