author: Aaron Shepard
name: Wayne
average rating: 4.43
book published:
rating: 4
read at: 2016/12/05
date added: 2016/12/05
shelves: non-fiction
'Circles of Delight: Classic Carousels of San Francisco' by Aaron Shepard is a pictorial look at three carousels in San Francisco. The city boasts carousels by all three of the most important American carousel makers.
The three carousels featured are at the San Francisco Zoo, Yerba Buena Gardens, and Golden Gate Park. Each section begins with a history of the carousel, such as where it was built and where it was located before it ended up in it's current location. Also included are renovation dates and unusual features of the carousel.
After the introduction, pages are devoted to photographs of the carousel animals, close ups of interesting details, and shield and rounding board details. Of the three carousels featured, my favorite was the Golden Gate Park carousel, which is the last one in the book.
The photographer spent three days photographing the carousels while on a business trip to the city. The pictures are good and the detail is worth studying. I enjoyed reading the brief history of each carousel, and looking through the photos.
I received a review copy of this ebook from Shepard Publications and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.
via Wayne's bookshelf: read
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