author: Ted Lange IV
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.50
book published:
rating: 3
read at: 2016/10/04
date added: 2016/10/04
shelves: graphic-novels
'Warp Zone #2' by Ted Lange IV doesn't seem as out there as the first issue. Which makes me worry that maybe I'm the one that's more out there.
The main character is Mungo, and he hangs out with Jack Elsewhere. He also has a crush on Penelope Rockmore. He outruns dragon squirrels using nimbus juice to create a portable cloud he can ride. He likes drinking coffee so strong that it makes people breathe fire.
Even though this time around there is an intro, I was still mostly lost, but the book is just so strangely infectious that I had a good time reading and scratching my head. There are odd little drawings in the panels, and at the end of the book, they are listed for the reader to try and find. The illustration style is bizarre, but colorful. It's all so odd, I can't help but like it.
I received a review copy of this issue from Rosarium Publishing and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this comic book.
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