author: James C. Thompson
name: Wayne
average rating: 1.80
book published:
rating: 1
read at: 2016/10/02
date added: 2016/10/02
shelves: non-fiction
'Painting American's Portrait - How Illustrators Created America' by James C. Thompson attempts to show how illustration style developed in print and media. Unfortunately, the style used is a detriment.
The book has 6 parts. My review copy only included about half of the book, but it was enough to give a review. The book includes lots of illustrations showing examples of the text. There are sections including the Gilded Age, advertising, book illustration, and WWI propaganda.
The problem is the accompanying text and layout, which has the look and feel of a PowerPoint presentation. For a book about American's portraits (which seems like a misnamed title), it's strange for it to not start until the Gilded Age. Also, for a an overview on the subject, there seems to be an awful lot of weight given to Howard Pyle in the book illustration section. It may be warranted, but it feels lopsided next to the rest of the book. The subject was interesting enough for me to request the book, but I expected a lot more depth than this provided.
I received a review copy of this ebook from Commonwealth Books of Virginia and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.
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