author: Pauline Oud
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.10
book published:
rating: 3
read at: 2016/10/15
date added: 2016/10/15
shelves: children-s
'Ian at Grandma and Granpa's House' by Pauline Oud is an adorable picture book about spending the night with the people who spoil you rotten.
When we meet Ian, he is packing for an overnight trip to his grandparents. He has include his stuffed animal Flappy! When he arrives at their house, they are happy to see him and their is no anxiety about mom going away. Then the adventures begin. There is cake and a walk with the dog and grandpa's special pancakes. The highlight is the mysterious warm bed, which grandma has warmed for him using a hot water bottle. In the morning, he goes home.
The illustrations are precious and colorful. It feels a little wordy for busy toddlers, but I might be wrong about that. The message that it's okay to spend some time with your grandparents and there is no need to be sad is a good one. Ian's grandma and grandpa seem like the kind of people I'd like to hang around with. They are fun and like good food and they are kind.
I received a review copy of this ebook from Clavis Books and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.
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