author: Joshua Williamson
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.57
book published:
rating: 4
read at: 2016/10/08
date added: 2016/10/08
shelves: graphic-novels
'Frostbite #1' by Joshua Williamson with art by Luis Nict and Jason Alexander takes place in a future where a second ice age has hit the planet. I got cold just reading it.
Keaton and her gang live in Mexico City, where along with extreme cold, there is a disease called frostbite that seems to be contagious. People have to pay for heat with credits and Keaton's gang is looking for a way to make credits and stay warm. They get the chance when a doctor and his daughter need a ride up North to Alcatraz. What they don't tell Keaton is they are being hunted by a dangerous group of people who want to stop the doctor and his daughter.
I like the premise and it gets off to a fast start. I like the world and premise that is set up by this issue. I didn't feel like I got an info dump or felt like I was missing anything. The story and art work for this story. Overall it's not bad and I'd like to read more.
I received a review copy of this issue from DC Entertainment and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this comic book.
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