author: John Semper Jr.
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.45
book published: 2016
rating: 3
read at: 2016/09/25
date added: 2016/09/25
shelves: graphic-novels
'Cyborg: Rebirth #1' by John Semper Jr. finds Victor Stone with a quandry on his hands. It's a bit sparse on action, and big on soul searching.
The story starts promising. An ominous figure wakes something more ominous, and a crime in progress. The crime is stopped by Cyborg, the other matter remains ominous. Cyborg needs a repair done after he foils the crime, but he seems to have doubts. He has been replaced by so many parts, is he man or machine? This sets him soul searching with Sarah.
Not a lot happens, but there seems to be some set up for future issues. This might have been better served in a future issue leaving issue one for something more interesting.
I received a review copy of this issue from DC Entertainment and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this comic book.
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