author: Pierrick Colinet
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.50
book published:
rating: 1
read at: 2016/08/20
date added: 2016/08/20
shelves: graphic-novels
'The Infinite Loop' by Pierrick Colinet with art by Elsa Charretier seemed to have elements of a story I should have liked. A strong lead character and time travel as a device. Unfortunately, I felt beat about the head by it's message.
Teddy has a cool job in time travel. Her job is to correct paradoxes in time travel that she finds since she lives in a future where time travel is possible. Somewhere along the way, she may have run into the love of her life. She is cautioned by some of her other alternate selves to not pursue this illicit relationship, but then convinces herself to "pride up" and not let conventional people, like the co-workers who want to track and kill her lover. And that's about all I got out of it.
It's fine to have a message. It's fine to have a platform to tell it in. It's really not so much fun to read such a message if it's so heavy handed that it diverts from the story. I just felt like the story got completely derailed by the author's simple and massively repeated message. Which is too bad, because I liked the strong protagonist and her partner on the job, and I liked the art as well.
I received a review copy of this graphic novel from IDW Publishing and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.
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