author: Matthew Chojnacki
name: Wayne
average rating: 4.59
book published: 2015
rating: 4
read at: 2016/08/20
date added: 2016/08/20
shelves: non-fiction
'Alternative Movie Posters II: More Film Art from the Underground' by Matthew Chojnacki is a second collection of amazing art for different movies. Some have been used for film festivals, some have been printed and sold at shows, and some have been done just for this book.
Current Hollywood movie posters seem to lack something. They seem to be driven by photoshopped pictures of the stars, but there was a time when a movie poster was something that fueled the imagination. The almost 100 artists in this book know this and are trying to bring those times back. Each artist feature has two works displayed. There is a short bit of text with information about what is behind the posters, the artists favorite film genre and medium to work in. They also share the first movie they remember seeing, and the artists who influence and inspire them. The work leans a bit more towards the horror genre but just about every genre is represented.
The work is beautiful and interesting. In some cases, the work might represent spoilers in obscure ways by showing striking images from the film. In some cases, the artists have been hired by Hollywood . I would love to see this sort of work representing movies today. It would be much more interesting than what is normally done these days. Photoshopping celebrities is much less interesting than what is represented here.
I received a review copy of this ebook from Schiffer Publishing Ltd. and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.
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