author: Austin Wilson
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.33
book published: 2016
rating: 3
read at: 2016/07/06
date added: 2016/07/06
shelves: graphic-novels
'Re*pro*duct Volume 1" by Austin Wilson with art by Logan Faerber is a minimalist color graphic novel that takes place in a future where robots walk among us.
Robots do walk among us, and they may have an edge over us, but the sometimes act just as dumb as humans. We meet a group of robots out on the town for the night. They act a bit like drunken frat boys until one of them, Reflex Carbon, decides to head home. From here the main story follows him. With a phone in his head, he makes annoying out loud phone calls everywhere, and ignores them from friends. He is going to school and finds out one of his fellow robots is in trouble, but, at least in this volume, this isn't resolved. He is interested in a human girl, and they end up going out.
It has a free-form style with the art and lettering that I'm not sure if I ended up liking. The thread of conversation seems to start at the speakers mouths and twist and wind out from there. It took a few pages to catch on to how it was being done and I did kind of like it. The art felt a bit too close to sketch work for me. I would have liked a more finished look to the art, but I did like the way they only used two or three colors to tell the story. It's not a bad world and seems to have things to say about ours, but I felt like the story, like the art, wasn't quite finished.
I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Diamond Book Distributors, Magnetic Press, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.
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