author: W.W. Rowe
name: Wayne
average rating: 1.67
book published:
rating: 1
read at: 2016/07/30
date added: 2016/07/30
shelves: children-s
'Reading is for Idjits' by W.W. Rowe and Charles A. Filius is a cautionary tale about the dangers of not being able to read. Based on the illustrations, it's probably written for children, but I have a few problems with it.
Twins Marty and Morty, aka 'Smarty Marty' and 'Morton the Moron' (my first problem), look alike but they differ in one area. Marty loves to read and Morty thinks it's for idjits, as he calls them. This is disproved over the pages of the book as Morty misreads every sign, sometimes to the threat of his health and safety. He gets punished until he learns to read, then learns to love it. The end.
The pictures are not bad, but I've got some problems with the story. Making fun of those who can't read was certainly one of them. Calling Morty a moron was another one, and probably not what you want your kids calling each other. Certainly the book is written with good intentions, but the execution leaves me scratching my head. This book would make readers feel smug, but I'm not sure it would make non-readers comfortable, or even like they want to learn to read. I wasn't impressed.
I received a review copy of this ebook from Charwood Publications and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.
via Wayne's bookshelf: read
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