author: Dave Holmes
name: Wayne
average rating: 4.41
book published: 2016
rating: 4
read at: 2016/07/30
date added: 2016/07/30
shelves: non-fiction
'Party of One: A Memoir in 21 Songs' by Dave Holmes is a hilarious and self-deprecating memoir from someone who was an MTV VJ. I confess to have long stopped watching MTV by the time Dave was on, but his memoir is funny and heartfelt.
The book starts with Dave's early life. Every chapter title is a fitting song from around the time of the chapter. There are hilarious interludes, like one short one of celebrities Dave has met, or a playlist for people who had their hearts broken in the 90s. In Dave's early life, he was the misfit artsy boy in a family full of boy athletes. He also was a gay kid in high school in college. Dave gained fame for being the runner up in an MTV's Wanna Be a VJ contest, which seems fitting with a life filled with so many ways of not fitting in. But Dave made it and tells hilarious stories of almost being recognized and the weirdness of being a tv celebrity (people talk about you in front of you for one).
The tone is funny and upbeat, but it could have been sad and the story of a victim. It certainly has sad moments, but through it all Dave seems to look life squarely in the face and find a way to laugh about things. Recommended for anyone who is a lonely music nerd, or just seems to have never fit in to the life they have. Encouraging and funny. I really enjoyed it.
I received a review copy of this ebook from Crown Publishing and NetGalley in exchange for an review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.
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