author: Brian Gordon
name: Wayne
average rating: 4.30
book published: 2016
rating: 5
read at: 2016/07/23
date added: 2016/07/23
shelves: graphic-novels
'Fowl Language: Welcome to Parenting' by Brian Gordon is by a cartoonist in the trenches of raising little kids. While the cartoons look kid-friendly, the occasional bad words make it something for the grown-ups. Besides, the kids wouldn't get most of the humor anyway.
The book starts with a hilarious introduction by the author that should let most parents breathe a sigh of relief. We meet parents who seem to have their act together but we all know, like Brian Gordon, that they are "big fat liars" and we are all just making it up as we go along.
The cartoons that follow show how kids can make us crazy, and how they can make us love them like crazy. The unending questions, the questionable wardrobe choices of a toddler, and how they never need a glass of water or a bathroom until it's extremely inconvenient are just a few of the topics. I laughed out loud many times while reading this book. This is a book about the funny moments of parenting from a guy who gets it.
I received a review copy of this ebook from Andrews McMeel Publishing and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.
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