author: Jane McGonigal
name: Wayne
average rating: 4.07
book published: 2015
rating: 5
read at: 2016/04/21
date added: 2016/04/21
shelves: non-fiction
'SuperBetter' by Jane McGonigal is a self-help book unlike a lot of the other ones I've read. With it's gamification approach and completely upbeat message, it encourages change with every page.
After Jane McGonigal got in a serious accident and suffered some brain injury, she tried to find a way to heal. With her studies on how video games are beneficial, she found ways to create little wins every day. Using the seven ways we think and act when we play games, she devised a game called Superbetter. Things it includes are adapting a challenge mindset and striving for psychological flexibility and cultivating connectedness. A day with superbetter involves activating things like power-ups or beating bad guys or completing quests. Unlike what you might think, a power up might be something like connecting with a friend, and a bad guy to beat might be eating a healthy snack or avoiding a negative mindset. A quest might be something like taking a bike ride around a lake after a bad bicycle accident.
The book is filled with success stories, and tons of quests to challenge the reader. The end of the book features three fully fleshed out quests and some of the scientific papers behind the work. There is also a pretty comprehensive list of the work behind the theorys.
It's a fun read and I enjoyed getting the chance to read it. I received a review copy of this ebook from Penguin Group and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.
via Wayne's bookshelf: read
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