author: Neil Gibson
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.92
book published: 2015
rating: 3
read at: 2016/03/06
date added: 2016/03/06
shelves: graphic-novels
'Tabatha' by Neil Gibson, with art by Caspar Wijngaard is another trippy, super dark journey that fits well with Gibson's other work. There is plenty of humor, which at times feels strange in such a dark tale.
Luke works as a mailman in Los Angeles. This gives him plenty of time to figure out which houses are empty so he and his friends can go back and burglarize them. When they find the house of a Hollywood special effects man, things spiral in a strange direction. They discover real body parts, and a lifesized doll, known by the owner as Tabatha. He is using his guile and craft to try to bring her to life, and Luke and his friends have stumbled into his dark life. Ignoring the rules of horror films, Luke and his friends find themselves caught in a horror show with a crafty killer who will stop at nothing to bring his creation to life.
The cover is bright and doesn't depict the darkness in the story, but if you are familiar with TPub and the Twisted Dark series, you know the kind of thing you are in for. It's hard to feel sympathetic for Luke, his friends, or the deranged killer who views the world through his rose-tinted glasses. The humor is the book is odd and oddly placed. Luke is in peril and chooses to sarcastically taunt his captor, who is wielding an axe, so the consequences seem predetermined. The book also pokes fun at the strange types that live in L.A. I did like it though.
I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Diamond Book Distributors, TPub, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.
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