author: Harlan Ellison
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.18
book published: 1987
rating: 2
read at: 2016/02/28
date added: 2016/02/28
shelves: graphic-novels
'Night and the Enemy' with stories by Harlan Ellison illustrated by Ken Steacy takes five Earth-Kyba stories and adds illustrations to them. The stories are good. I have mixed emotions about the illustrations.
First off, the cover design is amazing, and is what drew me in. After a brief introduction by Harlan Ellison and another by Ken Steacy, we get to the stories. Some are fully illustrated like comic book stories (sort of), others are full text with some illustrations.
I've liked Ken Steacy's work in Tempus Fugitive and in Robotech. It feels like a wrong fit for these stories. The art feels overly colorful for the dark stories presented. Another problem is in the fully illustrated, comic style stories. The text is black, but not in word balloons. This creates a lack of contrast between the dark text and the dark background and makes for a tough time reading.
The stories are classics and deserve to be read. I'm just not crazy about this version of them. Go find them elsewhere and read them. They are great shared universe stories that only have a long running war in common, but the themes are of people at war, and what they bring home. Timeless themes and well written.
I received a review copy of this ebook from Dover Publications and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.
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