author: Matt Baker
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.79
book published: 2015
rating: 4
read at: 2016/02/14
date added: 2016/02/14
shelves: graphic-novels
'The Ghosts and Girls of Fiction House!' is volume 11 in The Chilling Archives of Horror Comics by Yoe Books. It features color reprints of pre-code comics.
The book begins with some great essays to talk about the works and the artists in this book. There is a cover gallery and then lots of reprints of The Ghost Gallery featuring ghost hunter Drew Murdoch. Drew is always called in when some otherworldly menace is about, although occasionally the otherworldly is a friendly spirit that seeks to be helpful. Mostly though, they are out for revenge.
These are comics from the pre-comics code days. They were considered lurid for their cover depictions of women in peril and the gruesome nature of the stories. By today's standards, these are amazingly tame, but for their time, I suppose they had shock value, especially in the hands of young boys. The reprints are fairly good, but some seem rather off with color. I'm sure this is just based on the condition of what was able to be found and scanned. It's a fun collection to read, but the stories kind of run together after a while. I ended up reading it over a series of weeks, and that was a better way to read it, cracking it open to read one or two at a time.
I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Diamond Book Distributors, IDW Publishing, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.
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