author: Morim Kang
name: Wayne
average rating: 2.89
book published:
rating: 4
read at: 2016/01/24
date added: 2016/01/24
shelves: non-fiction, graphic-novels
'The Prince' by Niccolo Machiavelli with illustrations by Morim Kang takes the classic work and makes it a kind of annotated version. I've tried to read this classic before, but with this version, I finally finished it.
It's a classic about ruling and politics. There is a lot of reference to history and that is where Morim Kang comes in. After each chapter there is a graphic novel summary of the events that Machiavelli talks about. The art isn't the best, but it works and even adds a little humor in, such as every time someone ends up getting assassinated. This book covers a broad range of history, so there are Greeks and Romans and lots of Italians running through the pages. Alexander the Great, the Medicis and the Caesars are among the many people but there are other royalty and popes. They all show the machinations that rulers make behind the scenes.
The art style is simple, but it gives the work a sort of medieval two dimensional look which fits with the book. I appreciated the chance to finally read this and to have additional material that helped the book make more sense to me.
I received a review copy of this ebook from Diamond Book Distributors, NETCOMICS, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.
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