author: Haines
name: Wayne
average rating: 5.00
book published: 2015
rating: 5
read at: 2015/12/31
date added: 2015/12/31
shelves: graphic-novels, non-fiction
'Trauma is Really Strange' by Steve Haines, with illustrations by Sophie Standing is the kind of graphic novel, you might overlook, but what is does in it's short 32 pages is pretty amazing.
The book examines what happens to the brain and body when trauma happens. We can go into a disassoiated state where we feel disconnected from our bodies. This happens in PTSD as well as other trauma. Rather than dwell on the causes or the past, the book offers techniques that are used to get patients through it. Using the acronym OMG (for Orient, Move, Ground), we learn how reconnecting with the present and our bodies can help slowly overcome trauma. It's filled with footnotes with related research for those desiring further study.
It's an overly simplified approach to a complex subject, but presented in a very user friendly format. The illustrations are like infographics in nature. They are simple, but help illustrate the topics, like disconnected heads and bodies, or mice curled in fetal positions. The writing is encouraging and frank. I don't think it's overly optimistic, but it would seem to give hope to those suffering trauma and their loved ones. I see this as a very useful resource for those wanting a brief look at the subject and wanting to understand what trauma can do to people.
I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Singing Dragon, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.
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