author: H.P. Lovecraft
name: Wayne
average rating: 4.47
book published: 2015
rating: 4
read at: 2015/11/19
date added: 2015/11/19
'The Zombie Stories of H.P. Lovecraft: Featuring Herbert West-Reanimator and More!' by H.P. Lovecraft delivers on it's title. It's a short work, at 99 cents for the Kindle version, that works out to close to a penny per page.
The featured stories are the ones featuring Herbert West. These are the stories where the great B-movie from 1985 came from. Herbert West is a student obsessed with experiments to bring the dead back to life. He's mostly unsuccessful in the early attempts and things get more and more gruesome as he gets closer to the truth. The stories are told by Herbert's friend and co-conspirator.
There are other great stories in this volume, including my favorite about a miserly undertaker who ends up locked in with some things that aren't too happy about his scrimping, and a longer one called 'The Thing on the Doorstep' about a man who is hunted and haunted by something that just won't die.
I enjoyed this book. It would be a great introduction to this author. It doesn't feature any of the more famous stories, but it's a short enough work to maybe whet the appetite for more.
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