author: Seth Dickinson
name: Wayne
average rating: 4.15
book published: 2015
rating: 3
read at: 2015/11/01
date added: 2015/11/01
shelves: sword-and-laser
I didn't really like 'The Traitor Baru Cormorant' by Seth Dickinson until the final few chapters. At 400 pages, that's kind of a long time to wait. There's an engaging enough premise here, and a sympathetic main character, but there were times the book just felt like a slog to me.
After a lifetime of reading SF, I'm good with strange place names and strange character names, but there were a few in here I got confused with. Add in the murky shifting motives of some of the characters, and a way of telling the story that made it feel like some action was happening offstage, and I just kind of felt lost and disinterested.
But those final few chapters really pull it together. It's a heartbreaking character study, and the main character appears to go through the wringer. I can only guess based on the ending that there will be a book two. I'll have to decide then if I'm in for more.
via Wayne's bookshelf: read
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