author: Meme Higashiya
name: Wayne
average rating: 2.82
book published: 2015
rating: 2
read at: 2015/11/07
date added: 2015/11/07
shelves: graphic-novels
'Recorder and Randsell Volume 1' by Meme Higashiya sets up one strange and slightly hilarious idea, then kind of proceeds to run it into the ground. Maybe it's due to the format of the comic.
Atsumi is a sophomore and she is really tiny for her age. Her younger brother Atsushi is in 5th grade and is mistaken for an adult. Hilarity ensues when Atsushi is taken in by the police as a pedophile while he is walking his sister home. He also can't find clothes he likes in his size, but, luckily, the neighbor next door is always giving away clothing after breakups. We never see his face, so he's kind of like the neighbor on the old sitcom 'Home Improvement.' Atsushi has a lot of girls that find him attractive, but he's just usually looking for something to eat and to play video games or do silly things with his friends.
The book has a series of chapters and the comics are presented in four strip panels. The Western reader needs to read them top to bottom, right to left. This wasn't explained in my review copy, but it was pretty easy to figure out. The book has 17 chapters and the stories seem to be something that was periodically published because every chapter begins by explaining the gag. After a while, I just got tired of Atsushi being misunderstood, and arrested, and accidentally groping his teacher. I might have liked it in a much shorter dose, but likely not.
I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Takeshobo and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.
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