author: Mark Tatulli
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.79
book published: 2013
rating: 4
read at: 2015/11/28
date added: 2015/11/28
shelves: children-s
'Desmond Pucket Makes Monster Magic'by Mark Tatulli is a fun 'journal' style book for younger readers.
Desmond Pucket is in 6th grade and he loves scaring people with his monster magic. His older sister can't forget the time he scared everyone at her slumber party. His school disciplinary officer, Mr. Needles, is tired of his shenanigans. When Desmond seems to go too far, his chance to go on the school field trip to Crab Shell Pier and finally go on his favorite ride, The Mountain Full of Monsters, is jeopardized. Desmond's parents decide he needs more organized activities to keep him out of trouble, so Desmond finds himself joining the A/V club, the school paper and the drama club. Mr. Needles is getting close to kicking Desmond out of school and Desmond's best friend Ricky has had enough of Desmond being good.
It's a fun part book, part graphic novel. Desmond is good at what he does, but just not appreciated. The lessons he learns along the way are good ones for younger readers. Included in the book are some ways to create your own monster magic, like fake blood or ghosts or phantom knockers. If you like this book, I can recommend the sequel which I read last year.
I received a copy of this ebook from Andrews McMeel Publishing and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this really fun ebook.
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