author: Mairghread Scott
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.50
book published: 2015
rating: 2
read at: 2015/10/18
date added: 2015/10/18
shelves: graphic-novels
If you always thought the answer to the question "What is better than fighting robots?" is "Giant fighting robots" then 'Transformers: Combiner Wars' might change your mind.
It's a big crossover series (kind of) that takes place in issues 39-41 of Transformers and issues 1-3 of Transformers: Windblade. The Autobots and Decepticons are at peace but that is threatened by Cybertron and their new leader, Starscream. The only solution to this is to build giant robots made out of other robots, called Combiners. The problem with this, and many of the Transformer books I've read, is that there is so much exasperating bloviating going on that I feel like watching C-SPAN would more exciting. Maybe I'm juvenile to actually want the robots to fight each other, especially those giant ones, but it seems few and far between.
The other problem with a crossover like this is that you have art styles that differ quite a bit. While reading monthly issues this might not be a big deal, in a 6 issue story like this I did actually like both art styles and I understand that the issues were from two different books, but it kind of kept pulling me out of the story a bit. All in all, it wasn't my style. I wanted giant fighting robots, not giant boring robots.
I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Diamond Book Distributors, IDW Publishing, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.
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