author: Chris Ertel
name: Wayne
average rating: 4.02
book published: 2014
rating: 4
read at: 2015/10/25
date added: 2015/10/25
shelves: non-fiction-business
'Moments of Impact: How to Design Strategic Conversations That Accelerate Change" by Chris Ertel and Lisa Kay Solomon is a handbook for designing meetings with a purpose.
If we keep having meetings the same way in a new, more uncertain world, we will come up with the same old answers that fail to address changing times. The term used for the unforeseen turbulent kind of change we see is referred to as VUCA World, which stands for vulnerabilty, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. While traditional meetings will work in many instances, we also need to design strategic conversations. Ways to conduct this kind of strategic meeting make up the bulk of the book, from the kinds of people who need to attend, how to make the meeting space the most creative and how to frame the issues being solved. The book concludes with a Starter Kit which recaps the information in the book as well as providing a workbook for having your own strategic meeting. Each section in the workbook includes a series of further reading for each topic.
I like a business book to be readable, which this is. I like it to also be practical and have actionable ideas, which this does as well. There are charts and graphs that easily communicate the ideas. I like the ideas presented here and will use this information at some point in the future.
I received a review copy of this ebook from Simon & Schuster and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.
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