author: Paula Guran
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.68
book published: 2013
rating: 4
read at: 2015/09/01
date added: 2015/09/01
'Weird Detectives' is an anthology of short mystery stories of a paranormal nature. Either the case is supernatural or one of the investigators is.
Quite a few of the stories are tied in to larger series, but these act as teasers or introductions into those worlds. A lot of the stories are set in urban environments, but the settings can be quite varied. My favorite story is probably Bradley Denton's 'The Adakian Eagle,' maybe because it was a bit different from the rest, and it features an interesting character named Pop. On the more spooky side, I liked 'Signatures of the Dead' by Faith Hunter, in which a witch, a shapeshifter and a mortal hunt down a scary lair full of murderous vampires. There are a couple very different Sherlock Holmes stories, and a few where the detectives are vampires, or masters of the occult.
It's a well curated collection by Paula Guran, who has edited quite a few of these sort of collections. Since so many of the stories are from ongoing series, it doesn tend to feel like a sampler, but the nice thing about an anthology like this is that it has a broad selection. If you don't like a particular story, then the next one may have more appeal to you.
I received a review copy of this ebook from Diamond Book Distributors, Prime Books, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.
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