author: Scott Pearson
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.73
book published: 2014
rating: 4
read at: 2015/09/04
date added: 2015/09/04
'Star Trek: The Original Series: The More Things Change' by Scott Pearson is a novella in the original Star Trek universe. The story takes place shortly after events of the first movie.
A simple shuttle trip to transfer a passenger turns strange when an unknown vessel attacks the shuttle and the passenger, a Trill, has some unknown medical problems. The shuttle is crewed by Spock and Doctor Christine Chapel. Spock tries to keep the shuttle from being shot out of the sky while Chapel is faced with a patient with very mysterious anatomy, Audrid Dax. Chapel also has to help Spock with keeping the shuttle going and even saving Spock.
The story is told from Christine Chapel's perspective and I really liked it. The action and suspense build nicely. The discovery of the Trill anatomy is alien enough, even if we know of it from other places. Having Dax show up here was a nice touch. I think it's a decent story and I enjoyed spending time with these characters.
I received a review copy of this ebook from Gallery, Threshold, Pocket Books, Pocket Star, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.
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