author: Bash
name: Wayne
average rating: 1.84
book published: 2015
rating: 2
read at: 2015/07/09
date added: 2015/07/09
shelves: graphic-novels
'Eden Volume 1' by Bash seems like it has the makings of an interesting story, but I found myself so confused while I was reading it, that I keep thinking something was lost in translation.
The art style was fine. I was a little confused by the way the pages were presented, and there was no explanation up front. You read the pages like a normal Western comic, but you read the panels like a manga (right to left). There isn't a lot of text on the pages, so it took me a few pages to realize that I was getting the context wrong. I couldn't tell if a character was a shapeshifter that became a dog, or an angel that became a man.
The gist of the story is a war between humans and angels (I think). Caught in the middle is a boy named Touru who lives in a village that seems to exist outside of time and space. The story doesn't quite conclude, and I've got volume 2, so I hope it's a bit clearer. I wanted to like this, but it was just confusing to try to figure out what was going on. It's hard to recommend this.
I received a review copy of this manga from Diamond Book Distributors and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this manga.
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