author: Stacy King
name: Wayne
average rating: 4.27
book published: 2015
rating: 5
read at: 2015/06/29
date added: 2015/06/29
shelves: graphic-novels
Manga Classics continues to put out great content with their adaptation of Great Expectations. This is a great adaptation with great art.
Young Pip helps an escaped prisoner near his home, and the act has the kind of repercussions he can't imagine. He lives with his sister and her blacksmith husband Joe. He his days visiting creepy Miss Haversham's house to play with the beautiful but distant Estella. When he gets older, he finds himself with an anonymous benefactor out to make him a gentleman. Pip finds himself on a new course in life, and he finds he has no time for those he's left behind. He's convinced his benefactor must be the strange Miss Haversham, and that she must be grooming him for Estella, but could he be wrong?
It's a pretty faithful adaptation of the story. I loved the art by Nokman Poon, especially the scenes of Miss Haversham's moldering house. The details of her rotting wedding dress and the cobwebbed feast are memorable indeed. The characters are all drawn unique enough to keep track of them, and it's a pretty big cast this time around. Crystal Chan's Japanese translation is translated back by Stacy King. The ending is a kind of compromise between the two known endings of the story, and that is discussed in an afterword. There is also some information about the artist and his character sketches. I can't say enough about how great this series really is.
I received a review copy of this manga from UDON Entertainment and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this great manga.
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