author: Amy Bloom
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.23
book published: 2014
rating: 3
read at: 2015/06/12
date added: 2015/06/12
'Lucky Us' by Amy Bloom is the story of two sisters and the various people that make up there lives during the course of the 1940s. Rather than luck, it's a series of misfortunes which comprise these lives.
When Eva's mother dumps her off with her real father and his family, Eva meets her stepsister Iris. Iris has ambitions to become a star in Hollywood, and before long, the girls set out to make Iris famous. When an event changes Iris' path, the girls, now with their father Edgar find themselves on the way to New York to start over working for a wealthy family. We meet the people that take Eva in: a family she works for, the owners of a beauty parlor where she sweeps and tells fortunes, and a kindly hairdresser from Hollywood who changes his life (for an unexplained reason) to help out Eva and Iris. We meet Danny, the boy who is adopted in an unconventional way, and Gus, who finds himself shipped all over the world during these dangerous times.
There was a point towards the beginning where I almost gave up. It really felt like the kind of story that wasn't for me and I had a hard time feeling much sympathy for Iris, but I think that's the point. Poor Eva gets put upon by her on way too many occasions. I actually ended up liking some of the supporting characters more than the foreground characters. I also liked the ending, so I'm glad I finished it. Overall, not a great read, but not a bad one either.
I received a review copy of this ebook from Random House Publishing Group and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.
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