author: Cory Doctorow
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.58
book published: 2003
rating: 4
read at: 2015/06/05
date added: 2015/06/05
'Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom' by Cory Doctorow has been on my to-be-read pile. So when my bookclub picked it as an alternate, I was happy to have a reason to read it.
It's the future, and people can live a long time. They can also shelve themselves for long sleeps and wake up later. Jules and his girlfriend work in Disney World as "ad-hocs" tuning the Haunted Mansion and trying to accumulate a kind of status that can be accessed by others. When your status drops too low, you become a sort of non-person. When another attraction threatens the Mansion, Jules decides to fight back. When someone has Jules killed, this just upsets him more (it is his fourth death after all). The race between the two attractions becomes a fight of new technology versus maintaining artistic purity, which ends up making Jules truly down and out in the Magic Kingdom.
The author's familiarity with the attractions and functions within the parks was fun. I also liked the kind of loopy future world envisioned here. This was fun.
via Wayne's bookshelf: read
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