author: Kevin J. Anderson
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.83
book published: 2014
rating: 4
read at: 2015/05/24
date added: 2015/05/24
'Slimy Underbelly' by Kevin J. Anderson is the 4th installment in the Dan Shamble P.I. series. For those who don't know, Dan is a zombie detective working in New Orleans in what is now known as the Unnatural Quarter.
In a world full of monsters, or at least a corner of one city, you have to have someone you can rely on for help. Dan Shamble, who used to be alive and human, has set up shop and takes all cases. In this outing, he takes on a few different cases. An operatic ogre has had his voice stolen and wants it back before he loses his job. A young evil genius has been evicted by his landlord. A weather wizard running for office thinks his opponent is cheating on the campaign. And along with that, there is a mysterious extra-dimensional being buying up real estate underneath the city. Could all these stories be related?
It's a fun series. The puns are groan-inducing. I even like how they kind of break the fourth wall to talk about Dan's exploits being printed in book form (although, apparently, the details aren't correct). I'm actually not that familiar with the series, but I had no problem diving right in with this book, and based on how much I liked it, I'd be pretty likely to read another one at some point.
I received a review copy of this ebook from Kensington Books and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.
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