author: Ryoko Iwata
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.79
book published: 2015
rating: 4
read at: 2015/04/05
date added: 2015/04/05
'Coffee Gives Me Superpowers' by Ryoko Iwata is indeed (as the the subtitle says) 'and Illustrated Book about the Most Awesome Beverage on Earth.' For those of us in love, or enslaved, to the drink, this book is an exuberant love story.
In a series of humorous and informative graphics you'll learn whether you should put coffee in your face right now, or when the best time to drink coffee is. There are graphics showing which state has the most Starbucks and coffee myths and facts. There are humorous things about the 6 worst types of coffee drinkers or what your favorite coffee says about your personality. It finishes with a poem by Ryoko Iwata called 'If Coffee Were My Boyfriend' which is illustrated by The Oatmeal.
Iwata's style is so enthusiastic that you can't help but smile. The material is also out on her website at It's a light read that would be a perfect gift book for that caffeine junkie in your life, and at a price under ten bucks, it costs only a little more than their favorite coffee beverage.
I received a review copy of this ebook from Andrews McMeel Publishing and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this fun ebook.
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