Saturday, January 17, 2015

Dark Engine Volume 1: The Art of Destruction

Dark Engine Volume 1: The Art of Destruction

author: Ryan Burton

name: Wayne

average rating: 3.12

book published: 2014

rating: 2

read at: 2015/01/17

date added: 2015/01/17

shelves: graphic-novels


'Dark Engine Volume 1: The Art of Destruction' is one of those stories that dumps you right in the middle and lets you sort things out. I'm still not completely certain I sorted everything out by the end of volume 1.

A time travelling killer named Sym has been created out of dark magic and sent back in time to correct errors made to the world. She is violent, not very talkative, and also not afraid to fight with her clothes off and take and use trophies of her kills as armor and weapons. That all sounds pretty cool, but it's kind of a mess to understand that. The visual clues are all there, but it's lacking some cohesion and coherency. I don't mind Syn's lack of dialogue, and the stuff we learn towards the end is fine to keep until the end, but a bit more exposition from the future folks would have made it a little better.

This is only the first 4 issues of the series, so maybe it will even out and make sense as it goes. I liked the art sometimes, but not all the way through the book. It's got an ugly style that I don't mind. The story is dark and strange and I think I'd like it if I had more notion of what was actually going on. If I get a stab at Volume 2, I'll see if it makes more sense.

I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Diamond Book Distributors, Image Comics and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this strange graphic novel.

via Wayne's bookshelf: read

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