Saturday, June 7, 2014

The Gamification Revolution: How Leaders Leverage Game Mechanics to Crush the Competition

The Gamification Revolution: How Leaders Leverage Game Mechanics to Crush the Competition

author: Gabe Zichermann

name: Wayne

average rating: 4.03

book published: 2013

rating: 3

read at: 2014/06/07

date added: 2014/06/07

shelves: non-fiction-business


'The Gamification Revolution' is a guide for gamifying the business world. It's a kind of buzzword in modern business and this book goes about attempting fairly well how gamification is being used by businesses. To get employee engagement, this is certainly something that can be beneficial, especially among younger employees who are also gamers.

The book includes access to a webpage that attempts to gamify the reading experience. Answering questions about the chapter would unlock extra features and interviews. Unfortunately, for me, this came across as gimicky and didn't engage me after a couple chapters. The extra content was good, but having to jump through hoops to get it felt like someone was trying too hard. In later chapters, the game content had the reader do stuff like "read the next section standing on one leg." I get where they were going with this, it just seemed to take away from the subject.

On the plus side, they used plenty of real world examples of companies that are successfully using gamification to train employees, or use customers or complete strangers to get involved in a company or product. The concepts are good, but may lack step by step ways to do this. There are companies that can help your company do this, and I don't think copying a set strategy or another company is necessarily the best idea.

I was given a review copy of this ebook by McGraw-Hill Professional and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this book.

via Wayne's bookshelf: read

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