Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Dragon's Boy

The Dragon's Boy

author: Jane Yolen

name: Wayne

average rating: 3.49

book published: 1990

rating: 4

read at: 2013/11/16

date added: 2013/11/16



Young Artos lives in Sir Ector's castle and is shoved around by the other boys. One day, while tracking down a wayward hound, he discovers a cave that has a dragon living in it. The dragon offers him wisdom in exchange for pots of gravy and meat.

It's a grand tale of young King Arthur with some familiar characters. He doesn't become king by the end of this book, but he's well on his way to understanding how to lead people. He gains some understanding of himself and the people around him as well.

I enjoyed it and found it clever and engaging. The character of Artos changes quite a bit over the short length of the book and Yolen is a masterful storyteller. There are some nice surprises in the lessons that Artos learns throughout the book.

Included in the ebook is a note by the author about how the book got written along with a nice personal history of Jane Yolen with photographs. According to the author, she has a sum of books of 335. If you've never read anything by her, you owe a look at her work.

I was given a review copy of the book by Open Road Integrated Media and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for letting me review this book.

via Wayne's bookshelf: read

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