author: John Byrne
name: Wayne
average rating: 4.00
book published: 2013
rating: 4
read at: 2013/05/03
date added: 2013/05/03
shelves: graphic-novels
As a comics fan, I've always liked John Byrne's art. This graphic novel collect seven issues of his run on Star Trek at IDW, and although my review copy only included the first issue, I can confidently review this book based on past experience with Mr. Byrne's work. He is that consistent.
The lines are clean, the characters familiar and iconic, and the skies are filled with a bewildering array of stars (how did he draw all those stars?). The crafty Romulans are deploying a new ship with a warp drive and they have an unusual ally in their quest to dominate the galaxy.
Even after all these years, and thanks to J. J. Abrams reboot of the series, the franchise continues to be strong with fans, and they will not be disappointed with this collection.
via Wayne's bookshelf: read
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