author: Andrew Chambliss
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.73
book published: 2013
rating: 2
read at: 2013/05/20
date added: 2013/05/20
shelves: graphic-novels
A graphic novel with 2 separate stories that both left me a little flat. The art is rendered fine, and I know this is part of a larger "Season 9" series, but these 2 episodes felt a little too much like filler. Having guest writers Jane Espenson and Drew Greenberg writing one didn't do much for me.
In the first story, Buffy is hired by Kennedy to act as a bodyguard in her post-slayer career. Buffy can't help seeing demons around every corner and this proves problematic, at first. Then a case comes up regarding a high-profile client who invented a sort of Facebook for demons. The second story deals with Billy, who is the first boy slayer chosen. This story was written by the guest writers (both veteran writers of the Buffy TV show), but it falls flat as well. Buffy makes an appearance towards the end of this story. Billy might be an interesting character eventually, but here he is a bullied young man living with his aging hippie grandmother. He fights against the new zompire epidemic.
I suppose completists will need to purchase this, and I realize that they are just collecting individual issues in a larger volume, but I kind of like my graphic novels to have a larger cohesive story arc. While the two stories are somewhat linked by the growing zompire epidemic, there is little reference back and forth. Buffy shows up at the end of Billy's story, but it almost seems random.
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