author: Fabien Nury
name: Wayne
average rating: 4.00
book published:
rating: 4
read at: 2023/04/29
date added: 2023/04/29
shelves: non-fiction, graphic-novels
“The Man Who Shot Chris Kyle: an American legend“ by Fabien Nury with art by Brüno is a graphic novel that explores the true story around the killing of Chris Kyle, American sniper,
Told him a documentary style composed of news stories, autobiography and other relevant things, this tells the story of Chris Kyle from the rise of his legend to his violent murder. Learn more about the killer as well as the making of the movie and the rise to success of Tara Kyle, Chris Kyle’s widow.
I liked the art style, as well as the documentary style of this graphic novel. It deals with some tough truths, but I think it does it fairly.
via Wayne's bookshelf: read https://ift.tt/gJNOtST