author: John Crowley
name: Wayne
average rating: 3.87
book published: 2017
rating: 4
read at: 2018/12/31
date added: 2018/12/31
shelves: sword-and-laser
John Crowley is a great writer. Unfortunately, his writing style is not the potboiler mega-thriller type pace. His writing is paced and deliberate.
When my online book club picked 'Ka: Dar Oakley in the Ruin of Ymr' by John Crowley, I knew it might be a problem, but I had hope that there might be renewed interest in the writer. Perhaps there will be.
A man in a world winding down finds an unusual crow. The crow and the man begin to understand each other, and the crow tells his story. The crow has a long history with humans, living and dying alongside them. The book spans different relationships from early man to medieval monks to the civil war to the industrial age and beyond.
The beauty of this novel is how well the author seems to get the sounds and actions of crows. Early chapters as the Dar Oakley learns to communicate are difficult because the crow is not able to express itself so we can understand. This was a bit offputting to me and may throw readers off, but stick with the book for a beautiful and melancholy read.
via Wayne's bookshelf: read http://bit.ly/2Tfur5o